Welcome to the viewing area. Below are the links to the webcast segment, the Q & A session, and the schedule for the entire afternoon. On the right are links to information you may find helpful. For today's schedule, including a list of speakers and their affiliations, click here. To follow the agenda for today, follow the steps in the left column; begining with one and ending with 4.

#1. At 11:00 AM EST the first half of the live webcast will begin. Please click on the viewer of your choice, at the proper modem speed,  to watch the webcast:

for 28 k modems for 56 k modems

**if you are having trouble viewing the broadcast, please click here to return to the test page to download a video player.


#2. From 1:15 PM EST to 2:15 PM EST is the designated Q & A session. Please click here to access the Q & A area at 1:15PM.

#3. At 2:15 PM EST the webcast resumes. Please click on the viewer of your choice, at the proper modem speed,  to watch the webcast:

for 28 k modems for 56 k modems


#4. The final Q & A session will run from 3:40 PM EST to 4:30 PM EST. Please click here to access the last Q & A area.



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