The Counter-Terrorism Page
The site includes news articles and publications, travel advisories, and links to many of the world's intelligence organizations, law enforcement organizations, international legal resources and private firms that offer services related to counter-terrorism, as well as sites that are regarded as potential sources of domestic terrorism.

The FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists
The site details those people wanted for their role in terrorist crimes
committed since 1985, and provides a means for contacting the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with any information that could lead to
their capture.

International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism
The International Policy Institute seeks international cooperation in the global struggle against terrorism, paving the way for multilateral action against terrorist networks, benefactors, and states sponsoring terrorism. ICT is a research institute and think tank dedicated to developing innovative public policy solutions to international terrorism. The Policy Institute applies an integrated, solutions-oriented approach built on a foundation of real world and practical experience. The site serves as a comprehensive resource for international counter-terrorism, with a database on terrorist organizations, attacks, news and more.

International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals

The International Association For Counterterrorism & Security Professionals was founded in 1992 to meet security challenges facing the world as it enters an era of globalization into the 21st century. They believe that all elements of the world's societies must become better educated about the threats of terrorism as a first step toward developing innovative and effective countermeasures to combat these ongoing threats. The IACSP is founded on the principle that a better informed society will result in a freer one. The site provides news, links and interactive bulletin boards, as well as information about how to join or participate in their upcoming conference.

The Office of Homeland Security
The Office of Homeland Security is coordinating national strategy to
strengthen protections against terrorist threats or attacks in the United States. The site details the latest developments in this strategy and provides links to related resources.

Political Terrorism Database
This web database was created as a resource on political terrorism and
violence. The database is divided up into geographic areas containing an index to each region's terrorist groups as well as an international
terrorism incident database. 

Rewards for Justice (Make a Donation)
Fight terrorism by contributing to the Rewards for Justice Program, a State Department anti-terrorist force that uses reward payments to entice terrorist sympathizers into becoming terrorist informants. Since 1984 the program has stopped terrorists in more than twenty cases around the world. Contributions are tax deductible. 

Rewards for Justice (Give Information)
Operated by the U.S. Department of State, the site seeks information that can prevent acts of international terrorism against U.S. interests at home or abroad that leads to the arrest or conviction of individuals who have committed, assisted, or planned acts of terrorism, or that helps locate and identify key terrorist leaders or dismantle terrorist organizations. You can call them at 800-USREWARDS (800-877-3927) or use their online form. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. The site also offers tips on what to look for and how to stay alert to possible terrorist activity.

The Terrorism Research Center
The Terrorism Research Center is dedicated to informing the public of the phenomena of terrorism and information warfare. This site features essays and thought pieces on current issues, as well as links to other terrorism documents, research and resources. 

Terrorism - Background and Threat Assessments
Operated by the Federation of American Scientists Intelligence Resource
Program, the site features a selection of resources on the threat of
terrorism and options for responding to it.

U.S. Department of State Counterterrorism Office
This site is managed by the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State. Ambassador Francis X. Taylor heads the Office of Counterterrorism and coordinates all U.S. Government efforts to improve counterterrorism cooperation with foreign governments. As the Coordinator, he chairs the Interagency Working Group on Counterterrorism and the State Department's terrorism task forces to coordinate responses to major international terrorist incidents that are in progress. Another primary responsibility is to develop, coordinate, and implement American counterterrorism policy. 

The World Factbook 2002
The World Factbook, produced by CIA's Directorate of Intelligence, is a
comprehensive resource of facts and statistics on more than 250 countries and other entities.